In Te Domine - CastielCastiel character study, сфокусированное на его поисках Бога, его отношениях с другими ангелами и с Винчестерами.
смотретьash48 — I admit to freaking out just a bit when yourlibrarian sent me the song and her ideas for it. Mostly because I've never really given Castiel a lot of thought and didn't really have the first idea where to begin. She said she wanted Castiel to be given a "clearer arc", than what we saw on the show, especially in his search for God. We agreed that even though he never found God as such, his journey helped him discover more about who he was. I decided to basically start at the beginning and work through his journey over the 2 seasons. My main focus is his connection to Heaven, the other Angels and to Sam and Dean. I wanted to draw out his sacrifices (his and Jimmy's), his betrayals, his loyalties, his doubts and his convictions.
Something we both discovered in the making of this was how much of what he experienced in season 4 made him what he was in season 5 and that is more aggressive, self assured, and determined. (BAMF as we discovered). I've tried to draw that difference out in the vid. I also discovered, to my surprise actually, that the Castiel that we started with - arriving with power and conviction, is the Castiel we ended with. So, full circle.
Lyric Interpretation: (found by _sharvie_ on the U2 site)
What does "In Te Domine" mean in the song "Gloria"?
It is a Latin phrase meaning "In You, Lord". In = In, Te = You, Domine = Lord. Also of note is that "Gloria", the title of the song, is the Latin word for "Glory". [AC]
In Latin, the beginning of Psalm 31 is "In te Domine speravi..." "In you, O Lord; I take refuge." As for the other Latin bits in "Gloria," "exultate" and "miserere" -- these are the beginnings of Psalms 33 and 51, respectively: "Exultate iusti in Domino..." "Exult, you just, in the Lord." And "Miserere mei Deus..." is "Have mercy on me, O God..."
In many ways this guided me in some of my choices. I wanted to play with the idea of the angelic experience, for both Jimmy and Castiel, as one that is not particularly merciful. It's fraught with pain, indecision and heartache. It also requires sacrifices.
Путь ангела - Castiel and othersРитмичный клип с Баек 2 =)
смотретьБелый кролик (w_rabbit) — Музыка: Moby - Flower. Персонажи: Кастиэль, Дин и все остальные.
The Heavenly Diaries - CastielCastiel character study по четвёртому сезону.
смотретьelektra56765 — Song: The Vision by X-Ray Dog. Spoilers: Season 4. Characters/Pairings: Castiel. Category: Drama/Character Sudy. Summary: "If you seek an angel with an open heart... You shall always find one." Won the svs bronze award.
Party On - CastielЛёгкий клип под приятную песню =)
смотретьdevilyouwere — God, you do not know how sorry I am that this exists. It's Miley Cyrus--she INFECTS you. The song used (Party In The U.S.A) belongs to Miley Cyrus.
Mish the Quiche,