А, блин, залез в инет, чтобы поискать одну из тем по философии... Ну вот зачем я заглянул на твиттер Миши??
Ааа, меня прёт и позитивит новый фон твиттера Миши ))) *залип*
"yes in just 10 short minutes-I tiled my background. I've not mentioned it before because i don't like to brag, but i'm a technical genius."
Так, как там в фанфике? Теперь мне должно пойти бухать? )))
И что значит смена локации с Tehran на moron, mongolia?Ну и раз затронул тему цитат с его твиттера...
"i see @ complaints on twitter impostors-it's a problem! I can't get "verified" because some actor named Misha Collins is pretending to be me"
Шутник... )))
А если серьёзно, я сам готов биться головой обо все стены. Это проблема всех социальных сетей — полным-полно фальшивок, и поди узнай среди них настоящего... Страдают из-за самозванцев и поклонники, и сами звёзды. Вон, на днях бедным Дженсену и Джареду даже пришлось быстренько сваять видео-предупреждение "нас в интернете нет, остерегайтесь подделок".
Просто для памяти =)
читать дальшеJan 27th
"I don't have anything urgent to announce. I'm just checking in to make sure everyone is taking their vitamins."
"Wow. You guys are slacking. It's been 10 seconds and still no responses!??!"
"Few. There you are. I was worried all of you had been kidnapped. I was already on with Vancouver police filing a missing persons report."
"If anyone from the Drug Enforcement Agency is listening in here-you've got no proof that "vitamins" is code for anything illicit."
Jan 14th
"World governments are rallying to Haiti's aid. Lets demonstrate that our fledgling autocracy is a humanitarian force to be reckoned with..."
"Minion Page @ UNICEF-It's time to PONY UP. bit.ly/7WTLRD"
Jan 21st
"Just saw we've blown my Haiti fundraising goal of $8 out of the water. We're @ $23,000! More proof it's always best to set your sights low."
"I'm very impressed, and I'm proud, and I can honestly say I'd rather have you minions @ my side than some of the finest people i know."
"Half of that last twit was a joke... I don't really know any "fine" people. And touche @MishasMinionVon."
"And i'd like to extend a special thanks to those of you who contributed by stealing your grandparents' credit cards."
"Oh FYI, to fund my numismatic hobby-look it up-i directed the UNICEF site administrator to forward me all of your personal credit card data."
"Shoot. There's a german shepherd and couple of guys in suits holding handguns at my front door. I better see what they want. Talk 2 U later."