My skin - CastielКрасиво и грустно. По 4 и 5 сезонам.
смотретьthewinchestergospel — Main characters: Castiel (many others included as well). Song: my skin. Song Artist: natalie merchant. Warning: minor implied slash. Summary: "Your face saving promises whispered like prayers, I don't need them." Audio clips: "I gave everything for you and this is what you give to me?" - Castiel. "I am nothing like you." - Castiel
Mystery of You - Dean/CasСаммари: Кастиэль гибнет от рук Захарии, и Дин вспоминает прошлое и пытается смириться с настоящим. Много 4 сезона, немного 5-го.
А мне опять вспомнился конец 4-22, когда Дин убеждает Каса пойти против Небес и говорит, что ради этого стоит умереть. Он тогда не думал, что Кастиэль действительно погибнет, послушавшись его...смотретьSylarGabrielGray88 — Story: Dean and Castiel are together and are keeping it from the angels. Castiel knows that the angels want him dead because he chose dean over them, so he tries to convince Dean that the best option would be for him to hand himself over to the angels. He believes that it will spare Dean. Dean however, will not have it and he convinces Cas to betray the angels once more. They attempt to trick zachariah but when it turns bad Castiel sends dean away. He is then killed by zachariah. The video is basically Dean remembering the events and being unable to forget his angel.