Давненько я ...Сэмми... ничем не радовал. И пусть я не вывешу ничего нового, только всё известное старое (с Суперконовского диска), всё равно пусть будет =)
Вначале позитив, а потом уже J2 и винцест =)
Eat it!Основной пэйринг: Дин/еда Голодным смотреть не советую, чревато пробуждением аппетита =)))
смотретьash4897 — Merry Christmas to all my lovely subscribers, friends and watchers. It's been a wonderful year and I wanted to thank you with this little vid that celebrates eating on the show - after all, it is the time of year when we tend to eat too much!
The Dolphin Song - J2смотретьLoki — Song: Folding Chair. Artist: Regina Spektor. Warnings: many many J2. And happy faces =) Summary: "Uh uh uh uh uh uh oooooooh"
Would you please - Sam, Deanсмотретьkilljoykitten — spn, Sam+Dean. Give it up for me, please. Music: The Bird and The Bee.
When You Roll the Dice - Wincestсмотретьabsrip — A look at the different uses of blood/red on Supernatural and the many ways it binds the brothers together. Love when trust is broken. Is there a way back? Music: Dice by Finley Quaye & William Orbit
Carnival of Rust - Wincestсмотретьabsrip — Hey I finally finished this!*dances* I've been itching for some Sam pov during season 4, so I made this vid. Its a wincesty take on the whole season 4 battle between heaven and hell with the brothers caught in the middle. Can be seen as Sams conversation with both himself and Dean.
Summary: Sams POV. Caught amidst the chaos of heaven and hell, Sam desperately tries to find his way, but mistrust and confusion continues to push the brothers further apart. Warning for wincest.
Music: Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall