Она очень довольна той половиной эпизода, что видела. В восторге. читать дальше — Spoilers!Кроме эпизода, её также покорил новый актёр (Бенни? =) И во время съёмок было полнолуние (и луна была голубой).
"Blood Brother" (Filming from Aug 22rd to Aug 31st). Сценарист: Ben Edlund, режиссёр: Guy Bee.
29 августа
se4realhinton: Watched stunts, special effects, had lunch with an angel! P.s. He needs to wash his clothes
Наблюдала трюки и спец.эффекты, обедала с ангелом! P.s. Ему нужно постирать свою одежду.
1 сентября
se4realhinton: @Romilys_J Cas has some funny typical Cas lines. Misha can be thoughtful &serious when he's not "on"
У Каса есть несколько забавных типично касовских реплик. Миша может быть вдумчивым и серьёзным, когда он не в "роли". [Имхо, здесь имеется в виду та роль, которую Миша играет на публике: на сцене и тэдэ]
2 сентября
@se4realhinton Do you know if we're going to get a Dean/Cas hug this season?
Не знаешь, обнимутся ли Дин с Касом в этом сезоне?
se4realhinton: @DestielFans I didn't see one but they seem to be friends again.
Я пока ни одного объятия не видела, но они выглядят снова друзьями.
@se4realhinton thank you for all the tweets. Its nice to hear that Dean and Cas seem to be friends again. I missed their friendship in s7
Спасибо за твиты! Приятно слышать, что Дин и Кас снова выглядят друзьями. Я скучала по их дружбе в 7 сезоне.
se4realhinton: @adder574 yes, actually Dean seemed Very protective of Cas.
Да, на самом деле Дин выглядел весьма оберегающим Каса.
se4realhinton: Jensen really lied acting with new guy, brightened up visibly when Misha got there, but j&j are the two best friends I've ever Seen
Дженсену очень нравилось играть с новым парнем, и он буквально просиял, когда вошёл Миша, но Джей и Джей - самые лучшие друзья, что я когда-либо видела.
se4realhinton: Dean's new jacket got eat up in Purgatory, but the weathered is beautiful
Новая куртка Дина была съедена в чистилище, но потрёпанная красиво.
se4realhinton: Meant "beat up" hate ipad
В смысле, "была потрёпана". Ненавижу айпад.
se4realhinton: If you think Dean's jacket is beat up, wait til you see poor Cas's clothes
Если вы думаете, что куртке Дина сильно досталось, то вы ещё не видели одежду бедняги Каса.
se4realhinton: I met Misha for the 1st time Wednesday, in Purgatory. He was nice enough to have lunch with me.
В первый раз я встретила Мишу в среду, в чистилище. Он был довольно мил и пообедал со мной.
se4realhinton: I think the crew told him I had tried for 4 years to meet him. We talked about books. He is serious & thoughtful when he is not "on"
Думаю, съёмочная команда сказала ему, что я 4 года пыталась с ним встретиться. Мы обсуждали книги. Он серьёзный и вдумчивый, когда не в "роли".
se4realhinton: I told him how cute I thought West was, he said "yes, but mischievous" Gee, I wonder where he gets that from.
Я сказала, что думаю, что Вест очень милый, он ответил: "да, но озорной и вредный". Хехе, интересно, в кого это он такой.
se4realhinton: Misha has moved up to Vancouver for a while, which I took as meaning he's in the show quite a bit.
Миша перебрался в Ванкувер на некоторое время, что означает, что он ещё появится в сериале.
любоваться — Spoilers!se4realhinton: Apparently celestial dry-cleaning no longer works. pic.twitter.com/YBqCvSLi
Очевидно, небесная химчистка больше не работает.
Мне переводить пока некогда, но вот вам краткое описание дня на съёмочной площадке от S. E. Hinton. Может быть немного познавательно тем, кто пишет РПС

читать дальше — Spoilers!
se4realhinton: Some of you have asked what my set visits are like, so I'll be posting "a typical" day thing throughout today.
se4realhinton: Set Visit: wake-up call at ungodly hour, have coffee, & meet driver Ted, not only knows the area upside down &backward but great tour guide.
se4realhinton: We pick up Serge who lives nearby, then director at hotel, this case Guy. Drive to set, studio or location.
se4realhinton: @ginnmae depends. 5:00, 6:00 for the early shoots.
se4realhinton: Once we get there, breakfast by the fantastic caterers. Lots of choices. Usually scrambled eggs & mushrooms 4 me. Eat with Guy & Serge
se4realhinton: Breakfast is quiet since the shots R being studied. Guy goes 2 do "director" stuff, Serge goes off 2 do "camera" stuff and I wander around
se4realhinton: I say good morning to crew, sometimes get hugged, try to stay out of the way. Everyone is busy getting ready for 1st shot.
se4realhinton: Once the video village (camera monitors) are set up with chairs, I can get in my chair & stay out of the way easily.
se4realhinton: Once Guy is ready to block the shot with 1st AD Kevin & 2nd AD Deb & Serge & his gang, I go find a place to watch. Love watching this.
se4realhinton: 1st team (actors) are called in, not in makeup or wardrobe, yet, to go over blocking. This is usually the 1st time I see them.
se4realhinton: 1st day I met Jensen getting his breakfast, usually the actors eat in their trailers.
se4realhinton: Then second team, the stand-ins, are on the set while camera & sound are adjusted. I wander around, out of the way, & talk to crew
se4realhinton: Don & Chris make sure I have headphones, which U definitely want for 1st team rehearsals. You get flubs, but also actors joking their lines
se4realhinton: Several hours after breakfast wonderful sandwiches appear on set. Not an offical break, but get one as you go kind of thing.
se4realhinton: If there is any kind of long break between set-ups or shooting, the actors usually go back to their trailers.
se4realhinton: But if they are standing around & not on their phones. this is a good time to talk. I am careful to choose my moments.
se4realhinton: I met Misha for the 1st time Wednesday, in Purgatory. He was nice enough to have lunch with me.
se4realhinton: I think the crew told him I had tried for 4 years to meet him. We talked about books. He is serious & thoughtful when he is not "on"
se4realhinton: I told him how cute I thought West was, he said "yes, but mischievous" Gee, I wonder where he gets that from.
se4realhinton: Misha has moved up to Vancouver for a while, which I took as meaning he's in the show quite a bit.
se4realhinton: I met the guest star Tuesday, like I said, major crush on that guy. So many people to like on this show!!
se4realhinton: There were shenanigans in Purgatory.
se4realhinton: All kinds of good things for lunch! I usually eat with Guy & Serge. The Soc table.
se4realhinton: More time to hang with crew. Jeannie the 1st team hairdresser is a good friend. Couple of P.A girls were going to do a "Spice Girls" dance.
se4realhinton: When asked to join, I said I would be "Old Spice" Good stories from a lot of the crew.
se4realhinton: @ContraKat I don't know. I do know that almost everyone starts as a PA
se4realhinton: Spent one morning shooting on a set at the studio, so got a chance to go up stairs & say hi to production.
se4realhinton: Both @TheJimMichaels & @JerryWanek come 2 the set, 2. I told you Jerry took me out for margaritas Friday so I wouldn't get homesick.
se4realhinton: The writers are based in L.A. so I didn't get to meet any, but I have met Ben before. There is no messing with the sсript. Yea!
se4realhinton: Hours after lunch the candy tray appears. Don't try to get between Jared & the candy tray.
se4realhinton: Jared had most of his scenes N this episode the week before I got there, but saw him Friday evening. As usual, even better looking in person
se4realhinton: We had a beautiful blue moon for 3 nights. I think it will show up in some of the shots.
se4realhinton: late in the shoot something hot to eat appears, soup, chilli, sandwiches...& you need it.
se4realhinton: When it gets toward the last couple of shots, the crew starts wrapping up cables & equipment that are no longer needed.
se4realhinton: Everyone is thrilled when "That's a wrap!" is called. No matter how much you enjoy it, it is a long hard day. Fun, tho.
se4realhinton: I ride back to the hotel with Ted, Serge & Guy, have a shot of Jack Daniels in my room, and ask for an ungodly early wake-up & hit the bed.
se4realhinton: oh yeah, I got my offical invite for visiting at the end of the season!! Have to rest up.
se4realhinton: @adder574 @guynormanbee I'm sure he'll do another episode this season, just not sure it will be on my visit.
Джаред на выходные уехал в Остин, Дженсен обычно уезжает домой в Лос-Анджелес.
1 сентября
se4realhinton: Wrapped at 1:30 lat night. Jensen mentioned Again how glad he was to be going home. Jared seemed a little tired. Full moon shoot!
1. печеньки! | 34 | (100%) | |
Всего: | 34 |
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